Since 1992

1300 726 334

Let us look after your Wastewater Design

  • QLD  Wastewater Effluent Disposal Report      (Price Guide: $700)
  • NSW  Wastewater Effluent Disposal Report   (Price Guide: $1850)
  • VIC  Wastewater Effluent Disposal Report      (Price Guide: $2400)
Name Contact number E-mail Site address Number of bedrooms
New build OR replacement of existing septic?
I'm building a new house on a blank block
I'm renovating and replacing an existing septic
I'm building a new dwelling on an existing block that needs a separate treatment system
Additional information (optional) Submit

Designing your wastewater treatment area.

"A wastewater design (Wastewater Effluent Disposal Report) is required to determine the size and cost of your wastewater treatment area. It is also a council requirement prior to installing a suitable on-site wastewater treatment system".

Obtaining  site-specific  pricing.

Once the wastewater design has been completed by Envirotech or an existing wastewater design has been received, we can generate a full quotation for your site.  

Council application & installation.

Review & accept quote.

Please contact us with any questions during review of your quote and we will be happy to provide any assistance to ensure you have a sound understanding. Once the job has been accepted a 50% deposit is required to book your installation. (balance is required 48 hrs before installation date).

Council application & approval

After stamped design and approved council application is received, we confirm the next available install date. (General allowance is one full day for new builds or two full days for converting and dismantling existing septic systems - site dependent).